Category: Vegan
Meat: From Field to Consumption
Meat: From Field to Consumption The federal government has from time-to-time tried to intervene within the meat processing industry with such campaigns as “Eat less red and processed meats,” as pronounced by the federal Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC). I understand it’s like candy but the whole truth about the road of meat from…
Cowspiracy: The Unsustainable Nature Of Animals
Cowspiracy: The Unsustainable Nature Of Animals By Donald Ardell Introduction: I have a few questions for your consideration. After posing these questions, I’ll outline what the evidence suggests about each question. I’ll follow that with a discussion of what it all means for those who want to enjoy quality lifestyles guided by reason, exuberance,…
Are GMF’s Killer Foods
Picture source: Wikimedia Killer Foods By Uche Mbah In Far away United States Of America, a war has been raging of recent-the war against Monsanto, the food giant that spearheads the research into and production of genetically modified foods, foods manufactured using the activities of genetically modified organisms, GMO. Their Congress has passed a…
Weight Loss Soup – Veg Soup Recipe For Dinner – Healthy Diet Soup | Skinny Recipes
Weight Loss Soup – Veg Soup Recipe For Dinner – Healthy Diet Soup | Skinny Recipes Source: Weight Loss Soup – Veg Soup Recipe For Dinner – Healthy Diet Soup | Skinny Recipes – YouTube
Natural Cancer Cures
Natural Cancer Cures and Why You Don’t Know About Them Source: