Category: Marijuana
Can Cannabis oil reduce cancerous tumors? – Newsnight
BBC Newsnight Published on Mar 25, 2015 Its known as a pain reliever but can it cure serious illnesses? The medical use of marijuana has been legalized in almost half of US states and anecdotal evidence suggests that cannabis oil can be used for serious illnesses. “Besides, Canada, Cannabis, its a no brainer. ‘ ~Bro.…
The Pot Debate Review Watch this stimulating debate on the motion to legalize drugs. Since the drug war began 30 years ago it has cost the U.S. government $2.5 trillion dollars and has currently locked up over 100,000 nonviolent drug offenders in federal prison. The side arguing for the legalization of drugs points out how the…
Marijuana: The Gateway to Incarcerating People of Color
Marijuana: The Gateway to Incarcerating People of Color Thanks for watching. Credit: Brave New Films