Hexagram 14: Great Possessing
By: James Byrd
I. The Oracle
A. Hexagram Fourteen is called Da You, or Great Possessing. Various interpretations include Possession in Great Measure or The Great Possession. The lower trigram is Qian: force or heaven, and the upper trigram is Li: radiance or fire.
B. The Judgment
- Possession in Great Measure.
- Supreme success.
C. The Image
- Fire in heaven above:
a) The image of Possession in Great Measure.
b) Thus the superior man curbs evil and furthers good,
and thereby obeys the benevolent will of heaven.
II. My Interpretation
A. “Great Harvest“
With this hexagram, we see a person who has, over time, acquired great possessions. This accomplishment is not solely a result of their position in life but also reflects their ability to champion virtuous acts performed by others while suppressing actions that lack virtue.
Another thing to keep in check is to not let possessions dictate crucial decisions in daily life. It is essential to remain detached from material wealth. Possessions should be considered as utility or by-products of one’s station. For instance, a king might justifiably have an indoor pool, while such an extravagance may not align with the position of a common person.
The theme now is harvest—a time to gather and save the fruits of labor accumulated on our overloaded wagon. Although a farmer may have an expansive spread, his focus remains on one tree at a time. Avoid the pitfall of comparing oneself to others; even grains of sand differ in size and weight.
If one adheres to these principles, maintaining integrity and balance, others will take heed and rally to their aid, akin to a gift from heaven.
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