Mark your calendar now. My book/calendar will assist you in comprehending the days ahead, reducing stress about what a particular day in the past, present, or future might entail, essentially reflecting the passage of time. It introduces the “I Ching” and explains how the calendar can aid in daily focus, serving as a conversational starting point.
My latest work, “The Future: 2020,” builds upon the initial edition titled “Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days.” I’ve streamlined the title and included additional observations for my followers who have been tracking this project. An eBook version is set to release shortly to complement this new edition, which will be available at an introductory price of $0.99.
About the first edition:
The book, “Foretell the Future with the I Ching and My Calendar of Days,” serves as an enlightening guide. In a brief period, it introduces “The I Ching” or “Book of Changes” and provides insights into its influence on the creation of a perpetual calendar. This calendar, based on the 64 hexagrams, offers a view into the past, present, and future for each day listed in “My Calendar of Days.” It is used to understand the overarching patterns of events and outcomes. The primary focus of this calendar is to determine the appropriate times for fasting.
Hexagram 36 days on my calendar signify a period for fasting, traditionally for three days, as a form of atonement. During this time, I consume only raw, fresh fruit juice. It’s enlightening to recognize the appropriate times for fasting and for stepping back from a full schedule of activities. I often take a break from work, ranging from three to seven days, which aids in eliminating toxins and other non-organic substances from my body. This practice also keeps me safe, aligning with the teachings of hexagram thirty-six, which suggests that injuries are often self-inflicted through poor lifestyle choices such as excessive alcohol, smoking, and a lack of restorative practices like meditation or yoga, rather than excessive television viewing.
Hexagram 1, The Creative, evokes the connection between humanity and the divine. With Hexagram 36, I am cautious during the days surrounding its occurrence, adhering to a bell curve pattern of vigilance. Missteps, akin to self-sabotage, might involve consuming harmful substances, reminiscent of a treacherous path in the dark. These experiences relate to “My Calendar of Days,” where the I Ching’s daily indicators suggest a cyclical nature of events, hinting at a perpetual calendar. This cycle even touches upon the randomness of a Lotto draw on any given Saturday. To begin understanding this pattern, one should start by examining their birth date within this calendar.
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