20. Contemplation

Credit | 20. Contemplation – YouTube

The Lines Bottom.

[6] It is no disgrace for an ordinary man not to understand
exactly what it is that gives the superior man the influence he has. This is
only made clear by intensive study and contemplation. But for a superior man to
be unaware of the elements of character that enable him to be a leader that
people look up to draws into question his qualifications for being a leader. In
order for him to fill a position of leadership, he should have a complete
understanding of the meaning of moral leadership and how what he says and what
he does influences others. He must see clearly how his life can be an
inspiration and a guide to those he leads.

2. [6] A man of ordinary abilities is not able fully to
comprehend how he affects others by the way he thinks, speaks and acts. In
doing such things, he merely reacts to how outward circumstances affect himself
and his own self-interests. He is not quite able to think in a broader context
and see how others might think and feel about what he does. He does not judge right
and wrong by how things impact upon groups of people, but only how things
impact upon himself. In addition, he does not understand what drives another’s
actions and what another’s motives might be. Here also, his concerns are all
centered around himself, and he does not grasp what are the needs and wants of
other men, especially if they differ from his own needs and wants. This is
sufficient for ordinary persons who need not think of anything beyond
themselves and their own immediate concerns. But this is woefully inadequate
for a man who is responsible for others, for negotiating with others, and for
making decisions that will affect the lives of others. Such a self-centered,
inadequate viewpoint can only lead to poor judgments and mediocre outcomes.

3. [6] Ironically enough, a man begins to understand others
by contemplating himself. Not, of course, by thinking only of himself and his
own needs and interests, but by gaining insight into himself and how he is led
by his own self-interest, often to the exclusion of considering the effects
that what he does has on others. When he begins to see in these broader terms,
he begins to understand how other men are often led by the same self-interests.
But he also can begin to understand how other men have certain real needs and
interests that his own self-concerns often ignore. With this knowledge, he
begins to acquire an enlarged vision of not only himself, but of his place in
the world of others. When he can do that, he can make decisions that encompass
the interests of larger groups of people. His mind extends beyond himself, and
he is able to think in more objective terms. He begins to under-stand that
self-knowledge is not really centered on “ME” but on the place that a
person occupies in the world as a whole. With this broader vision, he can see
how what he does affects others, and with that in mind, he can tell whether
some particular action leads to the progress or the setback of those he leads.

4. [6] If a man is of such a high inner development that he
understands those things that are conducive to the advancement and growth of
societies of men, such a man should be taken in and honored with a position of
great responsibility. He is able to judge those measures which are rightly
taken, as well as those measures which are not conducive to the general
welfare. He should be allowed the freedom necessary to act upon his wise
judgments, and should not be used merely for his technical skills and abilities
to promote policies formulated by others. His vision and influence are
invaluable, and nothing should be put in his way that might impede his
exercising command.

5. [9] A leader of men should subject himself to careful
self-examination, and in examining himself, he should not just make a value
judgment upon his own motives and acts, but he should look to the effects that
he has produced. The opinions and criticisms of himself by himself or by others
have little meaning up against the real results of the actions he has taken.
Have the results of his actions been good? Has he influenced others to do
things that must be judged good? Has mankind benefited by what he has done? Are
the live of people better for what he has contributed? If so, then he has every
right to feel satisfied with himself as a leader and benefactor of men, for it
is by the fruits of a man’s life that he must be judged.

Top. [9] Whereas the leader of men looks to the results of
his actions, the sage considers whether his actions are free from evil. The
results of the life of the sage occur in the world of the invisible, and are
not readily discernible by men.

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Credit | 20. Contemplation – YouTube



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