13. Friends Lead to Fellowship


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The Lines

Bottom. [9] From the very beginning, duties and
responsibilities should be clearly understood by all. When the group enters into actual contact with the situation,
there should be no doubts or misunderstandings about aims and means. Any
dealings conducted behind the backs of other participants could only lead to
disenchantment and failure.

2. [6] The formation of factions within the group must be
eliminated by all means. If the leader has his favorites, if others are
isolated from the main purpose and left free to pursue their own interests,
this only encourages actions that work contrary to the group’s overall purpose.
This will result in mediocre work and failure.

3. [6] If the members cannot trust one another, if factions
plot against other factions behind their backs, the strength of the group is
dissipated and they cannot come together to accomplish anything important. All
effort is diverted into calculations of one group against another, and the
great and worthy purpose of the whole group is forgotten. Those who oppose the
group cannot be overcome with such divisions, and the group begins to
disintegrate. In time, all the good intentions have come to naught.

4. [6] Eventually, the divisions within the group are seen
as counterproductive. It is impossible to make advancement when members are at
odds with one another. But happily, the futility of it all begins to be universally
recognized. The group is unable to advance, but the causes are clearly seen.
This is good, because faults that are recognized can provide insight into the
means by which they may be corrected.

5. [9] Members of a group may be at variance with one another,
but deep down, they realize that they are all on the same side. Problems arise,
and they must deal with them, but they recognize that the best path for them is
to settle their differences and find ways to work together. It is a hard
struggle, but in the end, they are happy to be working together. Top. [6] When
the fire that was present in the hearts of the members has gone, the members find they are still associated with one another,
even if the initial attachment has grown weak. The work of the group is not
finished, but all keep working towards it, realizing that it is a worthwhile
thing and that all should focus on completion, even though the enthusiasm is no
longer present

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