Month: May 2022

  • 25. Innocence

    Credit | 25. Innocence – YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] There is a certain charm in unstudied innocence that is found in children and even in older persons who are sincerely enthusiastic about a new undertaking. At the very beginning, their approach is unspoiled by duplicity, deceit and disingenuousness. They have not yet become victims of…

  • 44. Return Of Dark Force

    Credit | 44.Return Of Dark Force – YouTube The Lines   Bottom. [6] At the very beginning is the time to put an end to an inferior element that has somehow sneaked in. If, because it is small and weak, it is allowed to take root and grow, it will become enormous trouble. Small causes often…

  • 11. Peaceful Day

    Credit | 11. Peace – YouTube The Lines 1. [9] When a capable person sets out to accomplish things in propitious times, good helpers are attracted to the possibilities and join in gladly in the work that needs to be done. Good people want to be a part of a flourishing enterprise, and are gladly connected…

  • 41. Loss or Decrease

    Credit | 41.Decrease – YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] It is a real act of kindness when a man who has completed his own necessary tasks goes to the aid of someone else who is in need of help without making a fuss over it. But people receiving such aid should be careful not to let…

  • 61. Inner Truth

       Credit | 61.Inner Truth – YouTube  The Lines 1. [9] The man who relies on the Power of Truth must prepare himself. Such ability does not come casually neither is it the result of an instantaneous decision. It is a way of life. Only with such a serious attitude, developed over a long time, will…

  • 30. The-Clinging

    Credit | 30. The-Clinging – YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] When a man first awakens to the proper ways of living, things are not clear, and there is some degree of confusion. He tries to discern the workings of fate and life, but his conclusions tend to contradict one another. With his day-to-day involvement in the…

  • 46. Pushing Upward

    Credit | 46.Pushing Upward – YouTube The Lines Bottom. [6] The man’s ascent starts from humble beginnings, but he draws his strength from the simplicity of his lifestyle and his ability to work hard learned in those difficult times. This is a man whom Fate intends for higher things. He is able to move amongst men…

  • 43. Breakthrough

      Credit | 43.Breakthrough – YouTube The Lines Bottom.  [9] At the very beginning, when the time is auspicious for the superior man finally to overcome past difficulties, it is essential that he carefully gauge his ability to advance. A set-back at this time could be devastating, and would probably abort his entire mission. Because it…

  • 64. Before Completion ~ Don’t Drink Too Much.

      Credit | 64.Before Completion – YouTube The Lines 1. [6] Rushing ahead to completion is a mistake. Even though completion is near, things must be allowed to work themselves out in their own time. Judicious caution when the end is in sight avoids a regrettable calamity. 2. [9] Patience and caution are needed as the…

  • Voice Over in Cartoons: How to Get Started in this Amazing Career

    Credit | Voice Over in Cartoons: How to Get Started in this Amazing Career – YouTube Learn more below, click.  Voice Over in Cartoons: How to Get Started in this Amazing Career

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