Month: March 2022
La tour Eiffel grandit encore pour atteindre 330 mètres !
Credit | La tour Eiffel grandit encore pour atteindre 330 mètres ! – YouTube
11. Peace
Credit | 11. Peace – YouTube The Lines 1. [9] When a capable person sets out to accomplish things in propitious times, good helpers are attracted to the possibilities and join in gladly in the work that needs to be done. Good people want to be a part of a flourishing enterprise, and are gladly connected…
33. Retreat
Credit | 33. Retreat – YouTube The Lines 1. [6] At first, the man is still near the enemy. This closeness makes him somewhat vulnerable. But if he remains quiet, he will in all likelihood be ignored. 2. [6] Some of the inferior forces will not be put off; they persist and demand attention. But such…
13. Fellowship
Credit | 13. Fellowship – YouTube The Lines Bottom. [9] From the very beginning, duties and responsibilities should be clearly understood by all. When the group enters into actual contact with the situation, there should be no doubts or misunderstandings about aims and means. Any dealings conducted behind the backs of other participants could only lead…
61. Inner Truth
Credit | 61.Inner Truth – YouTube The Lines 1. [9] The man who relies on the Power of Truth must prepare himself. Such ability does not come casually neither is it the result of an instantaneous decision. It is a way of life. Only with such a serious attitude, developed over a long time, will he…
2.The Receptive
Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] The worthy assistant remains alert to the first signs of deterioration in the endeavors of which he is a part. Since he does not have responsibility for everything, he can stand back and observe problems at their very beginning. Thus he is able to heed the early signs, take…
Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] As soon as divisiveness arises, it should be faced up to and eradicated. If a man waits until it gains a foothold, it will be much more difficult to eliminate, and may, in fact, bring down disaster. As soon as evidences of discord, distrust and dislike begin to…
52. Keeping Still
Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] At the very beginning is the time to stop and consider the direction one is about to take. It is in the time before a man becomes involved in all the complications and possibilities that are thrust upon him, that he can see things clearly and disinterestedly, i.e.,…
40. Deliverance
Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] The struggle with obstructions and difficulties is over. Normalcy returns, and new opportunities present themselves. The man now has time to relax and recover his equilibrium. He can make plans for progress and good fortune. 2. [9] Inferior men are still around, but their time is past. They…
23. Splitting Apart
Credit | The Lines Bottom. [6] When inferior men invade those people who are the foundation upon whom the superior man depends, they begin undermining his support and turning people against him. Those who remain true to him are attacked and their reputations besmirched. No one remains who is loyal to the man. He…