Coaching Business Success Plan
By Suzan Schmitt
Failing to plan for your coaching business is like planning to fail in your coaching business. You have to have a plan and work that plan. Would you go to a surgeon who did not have a plan for your surgery? Would you go to an accountant who did not have a plan for your taxes? Then why would you allow yourself not to have a plan for your own business?
Develop Your Marketing Plan and Work It
You must have a plan to marketing and grow your coaching business. Success does not usually happen by accident it requires planning and hard work on a consistent basis. Start with a marketing plan for your coaching business. Set goals and determine the strategies you will employ to reach those goals.
Your goals should include the income you desire, the number of hours you wish to work, the type of clients you want to work with, where you want to work and how you want to structure your business. Goals are not simply numbers of hours coaching or income earned they include lifestyle choices.
Have a System for Introductory Coaching Sessions that Results in Clients Signing Up
Getting potential coaching clients to have an introductory coaching session is one thing and getting them signed up for ongoing coaching is another thing. You must have a plan for your introductory coaching session to get clients to realize that they need coaching to solve their problem and that you are the right coach to help them.
Sample coaching sessions do not work to get coaching clients signed up for coaching. The goal of an introductory coaching session is different than a regular coaching session and should be designed to accomplish the specific goal of determining the client’s needs and showing them how you can help them.
Business Systems that Ensure You Get Paid and Make it Easy for Clients to Pay
One coaching session is not sufficient to help a client achieve their goals so you need a system for payment that supports ongoing coaching. You also need a system that relieves you from as much accounting responsibility as possible.
You want a system that allows clients to pay on an automatic basis so that they do not have to make the decision to coach each time they work with you and so that you are relieved of tedious bookkeeping work.
Business Structure and Organization
It is important to protect yourself and your business by deciding how you want to structure your business legally. There are several choices for structuring a coaching business each with its own advantages and potential liabilities.
You will also need to organize your daily business activities and systems. You can make your business more cost effective and efficient by being deliberate about the work you choose to do yourself and what you choose to outsource.
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