Hexagram 31
I.The Oracle
A. Hexagram thirty-one is Xian, or Conjoining. Other interpretations are influence, Wooing, and feelings. The lower trigram is Gen: bound or mountain. The upper trigram is Dui: open, swamp or forest.
1. Influence. Success.
Perseverance furthers.
2. To take a maiden to wife brings good fortune.
B. The Image
1. A lake on the mountain:
a) The image of influence.
b) Thus the superior man encourages people to approach him
By his readiness to receive them.
II. My interpretation
A. “Conjoining“
This is the stuff that will be needed in order that one might want to acquire an attitude that will generally fit that specific purpose, influencer. In essence, think good thoughts about other people, that way during those pending events such as face-to-face meetings, you are not so much overwhelmed by those bad permutations you conjured up sometime earlier in the back of your mind. Do not project so much into an event beforehand, if so, let it be at least eighty percent on the positive side. And also remember that the target you are projecting or communicating to, will also absorbed that sentiment in small understandings.
Lastly, you generally think good thoughts about others, because the power of mental projection should be factored in, in order to assure that the projected sentiment is in line with desired outcome, that is done before the process of influencing the setup. The conjoining will be the right merger because of the fact that all-elements are being applied in order to make ready for-a-genuine and unbiased future relation. All-in-All, you projected the good thought, now make the approach. If the responses are indeed valid, and correct, consider that a relationship that will last for eons via, correct cues.
Byrd, James (2018) “The Future”
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Wilhelm, R., and Baynes. C.F. (1967). The I Ching, or, Book of Changes (Bollingen Series XIX)
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