October Twenty-First ~ God’s Daily Minute

October Twenty-First ~
God’s Daily Minute
“The fruit of the
Spirit is love, joy, faith. ” – Gal. 5:22 ~

Our Heavenly Father, we turn to Thee in gratitude for Thy
goodness, and in loving dependence upon Thy grace. Thou art our shield, our
strength, our guide. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Thou dost forgive our
sins. We trust in Thee alone. Our feeble strength can give no security in temptations,
nor firmness in trial. We humbly pray for Thy sustaining grace to-day. May Thy
companionship transform our daily tasks and make our weakness strong.
Grant to us hearts of compassion for the sorrowing, tempted,
hopeless ones whose lives shall touch ours to-day. May we follow our Saviour in
helpful ministry, and may His Spirit go out from us to lead men unto Him Who
alone can bless.
May Thy Holy Spirit enable us to set ourselves firmly
against the evils which destroy the souls of men, and do our part of the work
that is needed for the coming of Thy Kingdom. Help us to be faithful and true
in thought, word and deed, that we may not add to the sum of the world’s evil,
but may purify and enlighten all the life about us. These things we ask in the
name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus’ Christ. Amen
By: Robert E. Vinson,
D.D. Austin, Texas.

Credit:  God’s
Minute: A Book of 365 Daily Prayers Sixty Seconds Long for Home Worship


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