April Fifth ~ God’s Daily Minute

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 “We love Him because He first loved us.” – 1 John 4:19 ~

FOR the restful curtains of the night we thank Thee, Gracious God, our Father. Thou didst create all things in the earth for man’s comfort, convenience, and contentment. When we walk with Thee every place is garden-like. We thank thee that in Thy presence is fullness of joy.
We bless Thee for little children. We thank Thee for their prattle and laughter, their trust and purity. Freshen us with sweetening lessons from their fragrant happiness. Bless the little ones touched by our influence. Foreguard against making crooked pathways, les they follow. Enable us to enforce all instructions with a flesh-clothed example. Deliver us from impatient speech and angry action before or to them. Fill our heart with love until it overflows, and mellows and moulds the little folk. Check arbitrary commands; hold back harsh penalties. May patient tenderness have the mastership in our lives. Saturate us with sympathy, grace us with gentleness, control us with considerateness, and honor us with the beauty of holiness. Give us an obedience as prompt and as confident as that of a love-led child. Command us until we shall conform to the image of our Elder Brother, and so be worthy disciples and helpers of humanity everywhere. In Jesus’ Name.  Amen
By: Christian F. Reisner, D.D., New York, N.Y.


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