An Indicator
“A lagging indicator is something that tells you what is going to happen after it already happened.”
―Coreen T. Sol CFA
Be careful about the tenets that will in the short term create “A Lagging Indicator.” Some of these byproducts can be seen as a firm’s internal measurements and that of reward systems that do not balance with the long-term profitability
of the firm. The firm’s focus should be somewhat on that of “Study Sucess for Success Leaves Cities.” Leading indicators can be seen as tenets that;
* are leading rather than lagging indicators:* are focused externally, where results matter and where revenues and profits are generated;* can move our profession forward by focusing on the important measures, even if they aren’t easily quantifiable: and* are valued by our customers, because that is where performance matters.
Measuring what matters: [want to know how successful your firm is? Take the customer’s point of view].. (n.d.) >The Free Library. (2014). Retrieved Aug 10 2018 from…-a0107755417
Measuring what matters: [want to know how successful your firm is? Take the customer’s point of view].. (n.d.) >The Free Library. (2014). Retrieved Aug 10 2018 from…-a0107755417
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