A Guide on Writing a Credit Repair Letter

By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Suzy_Vanstrusen]Suzy Vanstrusen

Checking our credit report at least twice a year should be a habit. However, not all of us are aware of what to do after finding errors and inaccuracies on our reports. To whom should we address the letter? To help you with this, below are tips on what to do after discovering errors in your credit report.

Verify the wrong information. Before even thinking about filing a dispute, make sure that you are in the position to complain. Look closely in your credit report and carefully analyze the items that seem to be erroneous. For instance, if you think the charges are incorrect or have already been paid, check your receipts or past billing statements. You do not want to go through the process of disputing only to find that you were the one mistaken all along. If you really think that you have a valid reason to file a dispute, then you can now proceed to the next step.

Send a dispute letter. Where should you send your dispute letter? This must be addressed to the issuing credit bureau. Address your letter to the Complaint Department of the Bureau to make sure that it will get the attention it deserves.

Observe correct letter format. A letter of dispute is a business letter and therefore you should observe correct formatting. Your personal information- complete name, address, telephone number and e-mail address- should be written at the top of your letter so that the bureau would immediately know who is sending the letter and where to send their response.

Explain the problem clearly. You can observe sample credit dispute letter from the web but it is recommended that you compose your own letter. Enumerate the items you want to dispute and explain why you want them to be corrected or deleted from your credit file. Specify if the items you are disputing are wrong or if some data are missing, or if it is incomplete.

Be polite and request the credit bureau to correct these wrong information in your credit report. Include a copy of your credit report and mark the items in dispute so you can refer to them in your letter more easily.

Enclose copies of supporting documents. If you have bills, receipts, transaction records that can help in clarifying the items you are disputing, enclose them in your letter as this can speed up the result of the investigation. You must also enumerate all the documents you have enclosed in the mail at the last part of your letter.

Follow up. It will usually take up to 30 days before the investigation is completed. Nevertheless, it is also recommended to make a follow-up call regarding the status of your dispute at least a week after sending your letter. This way, you would know for sure that your letter has been received and that action is already taking place.

Copyright (c) 2010 Suzy Vanstrusen

A credit analyst and a writer of EzCreditRepairSolutions.com, Suzy Vanstrusen has been providing consumers with tips and tricks in repairing your credit. Check the site for more tips on [http://www.ezcreditrepairsolutions.com]how to fix your credit

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?A-Guide-on-Writing-a-Credit-Repair-Letter&id=4721464] A Guide on Writing a Credit Repair Letter


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